As some may not know and some do know, my mom has tongue cancer. Last week, she had a lump removed from her left upper chest. The results came back as cancerous. On this past Thursday, she went in for a PT and CAT scan of her entire body. Yesterday, the news came in, one that we all were dreading to hear.
The cancer had spread through out her entire body. It is now in two spots on her spinal cord, in both kidneys and in her right hip socket and in her right thigh bone.
The doctor is going to start Chemo on the 21st of this month. He told my mom, my dad and older brother that with Chemo, her passing will possibly be pushed back from 6 months to about 2 years.
We're hoping for more than two years with her as she's looking remarkably strong at the moment, but its an illusion as cancer is eating away at her, how fast or how slow is anyone's guess.
So, if I tend to come on and start posting nonesense stuff about family and other non-writing stuff, forgive me as I'm, like my subject header states, walking in a fog at the moment. I don't have many friends to talk to and sometimes I don't want to burden my family or friends with my grief.
I'm not even sure if I'm going to do script month next month as my emotions and I'm starting to feel like I just want to sleep and just sit on the couch doing nothing more and more now. Even writing has started to lose its joy for me.
Thank you for reading it and you can continue on with your day.