Where is this child physiologist, who proclaimed on TV the dangers of damaging your child's ego by spanking them and is he or she happy with the end result of his or her smackdown on punishing your child when they misbehave?
I bet that person has changed their tune to promoting spanks and punishing children when they misbehave as that person caused the era of non punished, misbehaving children, who now, in their young adult years feel entitled to get whatever they want because they were not taught how to respect their elders.
And it is all this child physiologist's fault for promoting the era of not wanting to spank or punish your child for misbehaving because it could damage their egos! Well, fuck you asshole! You just created an era of young adults who has no respect for anyone because they were not taught how to behave in public cause you claimed it hurt their egos if they were punished or smacked!

That is so very much true, the lack of punishing the children has led to a generation of young adults who think if they cry or whine long enough, they will get what they want from people, give me everything that I want for free. I expect that once they become parents themselves and their children start misbehaving like they did growing up. I can see them doing what their parents didn't do with them - punish their child when they do bad or misbehave, so they know how to be a respectable young adult when they get older and not someone like them.
Hopefully, that will happen with the next generation of children.
But that child physiologist, probably doesn't even really believe that their comments back in the 90's had created this generation of I want this or I cry entitled young adults at all. Unfortunately, he or she did.