Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Attack at Toadega Bay.

This is by far the most researched story that I ever really did. I've spent two years researching this subject and now I'm finally putting it down in words. Yes, I did write this story before but what I had up is not good anymore so I've ripped it up and started anew with this story.

Chapter One.

"I'll be glad to get back home to see my girls,"
"Indeed, being in a submarine for four months and barely seeing the surface is not what I had in mind for being a Navy sailor, even if I did volunteered as a member of a sub,"
"Oh sure, have fun in the Navy, see the sights, enjoy having women on your arms, but nothing about where you have four months at sea and being about three miles deep under the surface of the water with about hundred and forty-nine other men," Another sailor replied, as they walked towards the bridge to relieve the three sailors whose roles they took over.
"But I'll say this, we sure do look good in dress uniform and that gets the chicks," the other replied with a chuckle.
The sub's Admiral looked at the three men as they gave him a nod before relieving the sonar, radio and the navigator of their posts. The Admiral Harrison Paddy was a forty year old Navy and it was his last time serving as Admiral to the US Harrison ballistic submarine before he retired from service. "We're about seventy miles away from our home base in San Diego. The end of this sub's time in these waters will be coming to an end very soon. I am proud to have commanded you and hope that you will take on another volunteer job on another sub."
Pederson who had the sonar noticed something odd about the shape that was approaching their area. It was silent and by the sound of the echos it was a very large sub or possibly a whale but he knew what the whales sounded like. He turned his equipment over to the band where he had listened to the whales sing their haunted songs on to find that the ocean marine life was very silent. He swung around to the Admiral. "Admiral, we have problems, sir!"
Admiral Harrison went to his side. "What problems, Pederson?"
"I noticed a large shape coming our way and figured it might be a whale but when I switched over the frequency to the whales, I heard absolutely nothing as in their songs. This is either another sub or something else," Pederson replied.
"Collins, open a channel to the unknown sub! We need to find out who or what they're doing in our patrol area," Admiral barked off. "Flood torpedo room one and ready to launch if they don't reply."
Collins started to open a channel when the alarms went off as everyone started to silence the alarms as Pederson yelled out, "They're going to ram us!"
"Brace for impact everyone! Collins, send out a distress call! State unknown sub attacking USS Harrison, now!" Admiral Harrison barked off as everyone started to brace for the impact.
But the impact never happened as Admiral looked at Pederson. "Why didn't we get hit?"
"The attacking sub dove down. I think it is a whale . . . " Pederson spoke, as he looked at the screen but then he saw the blip show up but below them. "Oh shit, its under us sir and its rising up fast!"
"Full speed ahead!"
The next thing they felt was a hard slam and the sub felt like it was being pushed upwards fast as everyone felt the pressure on their persons. It was not long for it felt like another impact happened as the sub rolled several times.
"Damage report!" Yelled Harrison over the alarms.
"Engine room is offline sir, we have leaks in several compartments!" Yelled Bank. The emergency lights shone red as the sparks from the damaged consoles shone in the darkness.
"Injuries!" Yelled Harrison, his hand was to his head as he knew he struck his head on the ceiling before being slammed back down.
"Some spinal and head injuries, Admiral." Spoke Banks as he hurried to his side and placed some gauze on his forehead. "We need to get away from here."
"We need to get the engine back online!" Yelled the sonar.
Just as he yelled that comment out, the command center went bright with lights as everything started to come to life.
The cry of 'Thank God' were heard through out the center, as everyone turned to look at the Admiral.
"Lets get this bird moving. Banks, send radio waves stating we have sustained massive damage and serious injuries, we're coming to port in Toadega Bay, its the only place I can think of where the sub can be checked out safely. I cannot risk having a leak happen on the way to San Diego." Admiral Harrison replied. He knew that the port in Toadega Bay was deep enough for the sub to dock at and be pulled from the bay itself. He turned to look at the medic who was tending to his bleeding head, he looked at the navigator. "How long till we get there?"
"About four days at this speed, sir, any faster and we will be dead in the water." The navigator replied.
The Admiral slammed his fist down hard. He knew his crew was seriously injured but if he pushed the sub any faster, his crew would either die or suffer more. He knew his medics on board were good, he just prayed that they make it to Toadega Bay before a member of his crew died.
The medic came and told him that he needed to rest. Even though he didn't want to, he did follow the medic's order as he retired to his berth. As he laid on it the last thing that did remain on his mind was what attacked them.

Yes, I know, what attacked the sub and would we find out what attacked it.
It will be learned later on what attacked it as one of the sailors will have a connection to one of my main characters that I have in my story.

Going to my first writers' meeting.

And I am totally excited about going. It is my first one that I ever attended and I am totally new to what I need to bring with me. I know I probably should bring a paper copy of my current story that I am working on and a notebook to write notes in or ideas about the story that I'm working on or just to get the addresses of people who might want to help me with my stories.

My current story is a good one and I hope to get it done at least within a year or two. I'll make another blog about it.

But I am so excited about going to my first writers' meeting, I've been to a conference before but not a writers' meeting. This is going to be fun!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

I am sorry that I didn't come back here.

An update on my mom's cancer battle:

Sadly it is not good news, on May 12, 2012, my mom Janet lost her battle with tongue cancer at 5:35pm. She was 68 years old. She was admitted into Osage Beach Regional Hospital on May 8th, after suffering a severe reaction to her pain medication. Mom was always sensitive to pain medication especially morphine.

My mother went into a coma on May 8th and she remained in one for about a day when she came out of it and she with slurred speech tried to get out of her hospital bed and head to the bathroom on her own power, which she hasn't done in over a week before. She wanted to go home and she demanded to go home. We had to give her more pain meds to knock her back out. We were not equipt to handle mom in her present condition and the hospital was. Craig stayed overnight till that Saturday late afternoon when mom opened her eyes for the last time and mouthed something to us and left this world for God's gardens where she's free from her cancer that killed her and she's very much healthy once again and with her son David and her mom Flippy.

== And now for my rant. ==

During the month of April and part of the first week of May, a now former friend of mine Kathleen Todd had told me that two people were spreading lies about my mom not dying of cancer or that she was even dead on deviantart where she and these two ladies were at. Kathleen Todd flat out lied to me, on who was spreading rumors about my mom's cancer not being real and when I finally spoke with the two people who were supposedly spreading rumors about my mother's cancer. I learned something that made me very angry, not at the two people who were supposedly spreading rumors, but with the girl who TOLD ME that they were spreading lies - Kathleen Todd herself!

Kathleen Todd is nothing more than a bloody, lying, little spoiled girl who thought telling me lies would keep me by her side when in fact it didn't! It drove me away! She who I had called sister, had actually flat out lied to me about it! She told me someone told her that Bonita Prime and Leathurkatt were spreading lies. But when I spoke to both women, they both flat out denied it as it is something that they would not do. This little lying girl claimed that they were spreading lies about my mom's condition and that I was lying about it to get sympathy!

This girl is a known liar in the MDTAS fandom, she actually pulled I'm going blind to get attention back to her when everyone was talking more with another member on the Cool as Ice Message Board, she didn't like that so she created a lie claiming that she's going blind in one eye. But a few days later, she never mentioned it again and basically was bragging about some high priced items that she got instead or that she's getting a foal from a very expensive bloodline of Arabian horses for free - a Crabbet Arabian.

She claimed when it came time to have the new foal in her possession that the foal was chased into barb wire and they had to put it down AND YET, ALL OF THE PHOTOS SEEN WITH THIS FOAL SHE CLAIMED WAS HERS WAS SEEN IN WHITE BANDED ELECTRIC WIRE FENCING, not one sign of barb wire anywhere! So we all knew that was a lie as there was no barb wire fencing seen in any of the photos we seen. You would also think that she would post about what the colt's owner is going to do as in giving her a replacement foal but she never did say anything about it.

She has lied constantly and everyone who is a friend of mine basically no longer believe a word she says as they have asked her for proof of her claims that Bonita Prime tried to claim her website Autobot Headquarters or that she claimed that the autobot repaints were hers and not Kathleen Todd's or the angry e-mails coming from parents claiming that she stole autobot headquarters from the original owner, which proved to be nothing more than lies.

Kathleen Todd is nothing more than a liar and not to be believed.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Walking in a fog.

As some may not know and some do know, my mom has tongue cancer. Last week, she had a lump removed from her left upper chest. The results came back as cancerous. On this past Thursday, she went in for a PT and CAT scan of her entire body. Yesterday, the news came in, one that we all were dreading to hear.

The cancer had spread through out her entire body. It is now in two spots on her spinal cord, in both kidneys and in her right hip socket and in her right thigh bone.

The doctor is going to start Chemo on the 21st of this month. He told my mom, my dad and older brother that with Chemo, her passing will possibly be pushed back from 6 months to about 2 years.

We're hoping for more than two years with her as she's looking remarkably strong at the moment, but its an illusion as cancer is eating away at her, how fast or how slow is anyone's guess.

So, if I tend to come on and start posting nonesense stuff about family and other non-writing stuff, forgive me as I'm, like my subject header states, walking in a fog at the moment. I don't have many friends to talk to and sometimes I don't want to burden my family or friends with my grief.

I'm not even sure if I'm going to do script month next month as my emotions and I'm starting to feel like I just want to sleep and just sit on the couch doing nothing more and more now. Even writing has started to lose its joy for me.

Thank you for reading it and you can continue on with your day.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Why, Yahoogroups, why?

Why do you make it so hard for writers to get in touch with others?

I have found several writing groups, some closed off to new members, which I understand but there are others that is like dead in the water and the only ones who are there are the porno spammers.

I want to find a group to help me edit my stories, give me support when the Muse flees into the night to giving me ideas on how a story should go and just chat about everything known to the writers.

I seriously am wondering if Yahoogroups is even worth having a group on anymore.

I am so tempted to open my own group there make it to where the new members are moderated for their first few posts and when they join, they need to say something as to why they want to join the group to keep the spammers out.

Maybe I will create a group called Writers Edit and Support Group or WEASG, I will have to think about it. I will post a new blog if I do create it.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Working on Warrior Princess.

My newest original story that I started back in November of 2011.

This excerpt is from that story. I want to know what everyone thinks of this small peice that I did.

Tarisn concentrated all her skill in her last attack on Rhiannon and found that Rhiannon had reacted slower to her swing and moved fast to disarm her of her sword and flipped her onto her back and pinned her down with Rhiannon’s sword in one hand and her own in her right hand. “Do you yield?”
Rhiannon looked at her breathing heavy as did Tarisn as the sweat dripped from Tarisn’s face. She nodded. “I yield this fight and you have passed your final test.”
Tarisn looked a bit puzzled but then anger appeared over her face as she pulled away from her. “You should have told me this was my final test!”
Rhiannon got up slowly. “I couldn’t as I wasn’t told when my final test happened either.”
Tarisn turned to look at Aderyn. “You knew this was the final testing day, didn’t you?”
“I can neither deny nor confirm that,” Aderyn stated, as she walked over to them to check for injures sustained by the swords.
Tarisn glared at Aderyn but then, she glanced away from her. “I should have known this day was coming.”
“What do you mean?” Aderyn asked, as she healed the cut on her shoulder.
“I should have known as this day is year six of us being here,” Tarisn replied, as she glanced at the woman who looked for more cuts. “That was the only one I got.”
Aderyn shook her head as her hand pressed on the wound on her leg to see her flinch. “I know where you got hit at, Tarisn.”
Rhiannon saw her stretch her arms. “So you were in a sense aware that this could be the final test?”
“Yeah, but I had thought I would have been informed before hand,”
“I was not told by my mentor either and when he was asked, he said every swordswoman or swordsman never knew when the final test would come as a fight would spring up without notice and you need to be on your toes about it.” Rhiannon replied, as Aderyn went to her side to heal the wounds that she got from Tarisn’s blade. “And by how you did, you did really well for a beginner swordswoman.”
“Well, I did have over four thousand, three hundred and eighty days of training underneath me, Rhiannon,” Tarisn stated, as she cleaned her blade in the water trough and dried it off with the towel. “You did make sure that I knew what I was doing with the sword.”

Four thousand, three hundred and eighty days is 6 years in the realm that my original female character is now in. From our world that rotates 364 or depending on the leap year 365 to a world that rotates 730 days. I have done over eight chapters in this story. I'm hoping to have at least 20 chapters by the time I'm done.

But when the editing process starts with this story, the chapters may increase. I am pleased with how the story is going, my writing groups that I'm in, like what I have done too.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Working on MDTAS series.

I will state this that my co-writer and I have decided that there will be some big time changes happening to Hall of Mirrors stories. There are stories that is currently online that is totally, totally out of character for a few original characters that we have in the episodes.

So, as soon as my co-writer and I can get together and have time to where we can write the stories, the stories will be updated and they will be changed bigtime. And yes, everyone will be informed which stories have been updated as they may end up with more chapters and more insight on the characters within.

I just hope that we can start writing the stories soon.

Horse slaughter.

If you do not like the topic of horse slaughter, you may want to leave this post.

I will never sell my horses to the killers, just because they’re old. They depend on me for their lives and when they are no longer able to live a comfy life with me or that I am unable to care for them, I will euthenize them. But they will never see the inside of a slaughterhouse, not while I live. They all deserve a better end, the poke of a needle and the loving words from their vet and owner and the next thing they know, they’re in horse heaven with the rest of the horses running free like the wind.

Those killers who buy horses to slaughter might want to put them out to pasture for about five years or bypass them entirely as the meds and worming meds we give to them while they live in our care are not for horses meant for food. It says so right on the box itself, this worm paste is not meant for horses bound for slaughter.

I wonder if the killers even know that with the healthy horses they buy that they’ve all been wormed and they’re handing worm medicated horses to the slaughter houses and the meat to the French or Italians that is not meant for their mouths. I may have to e-mail my vet and ask him some questions about this and see what I can glean from his mind.

And sadly, they do not even know! If I was the auctioneer, I would state it out loud to the audience that all of the horses here on the auction block have been wormed by their previous owners and these horses are not meant to be food for humans and then proceed with the auction of the horses. I doubt that the killers will buy the horses knowing that the horses have been wormed and are no longer for slaughter but someone else who wants them as a horse to ride or just a pet.

The muse has awakened and this might be a possible story for me. Will need to do some serious ass research dealing with auction houses and auctioneers for this story but I think it will be a very interesting story to do.