Saturday, June 27, 2015

Trouble with stray horses.

This was an old article that I had written and never published, back in 2009.

This deals with horse slaughter and the horses that no one wants.

Trouble with stray horses.

The horses that are now in need is those who are being abandoned by their owners because horse slaughter is banned here in America. Now there are too many horses and with the ecomony the way it is, people are dumping perfectly healthy or sick horses in places hoping that they would go wild. What they are doing is causing a bigger headache for everyone else. If you cannot sell your horse and you have tried lowering your price, consider putting them down humanely instead of dumping them off at locations where you think they would adapt, these horses are not wild horses, these horses are once your friend and now you think abandoning them in the woods and the plains would help them? No, it doesn't help them, it hurts them more than you know.

If you can afford a cup of coffee at Starbucks or a carton of cigarettes every week and then you cry about how much horse feed is, maybe you should stop buying those cups of coffee at Starbucks or those cartons of cigarettes and watch how much money you save by doing that. And if you don't want to give up your precious cups of burnt coffee at Starbucks or your cancer sticks, then you do not deserve to have horses!

Guess what I gave up for my horses! My 24 cans of soda that I would buy every three days for good in 2005, I saved over two hundred dollars in two months. I decided to no longer drink any soda at all. I saved enough money to feed and take my horses to the vet and have their hooves done. The money I saved now goes for my horses.

If you want to keep your horses, you have to give up something like drinking $5 cups of coffee, $3 sodas or a $33 carton of smokes and put the money you would have spent on that into a jar and at the end of the month, count how much money you have saved and then add up everything you give to your horses in food for one month and you probably have in that jar enough for a month and a half of food for your horses.

But if you cannot afford to keep your horses and you do not want to give up your coffee, soda, or smokes, you might as well sell them. If they wouldn't go for the price you set, consider lowering your price to where they would sell or find a rescue that will take them in to rehome them.

But do not trailer them to the woods and release them thinking that they will do better in the wild than with you, that is chicken sh*t of you. They do not deserve to be dumped off like rubbish, they loved you and you loved them, give them to someone who wants them either by leasing them to them or selling them, but for the love of God, do not abandon them anywhere. They deserve better than that!

I saved a throwaway horse who was 28 years old and was destined for a bullet in his head. This guy was that throwaway horse. I kept him alive till he was 35 years old before I had to say farewell to him. This old horse loved me because I cared for him and I gave him my love. I didn't dump him and let him live his life in the wild. I took him in and cared for him till the day he died.

These two photos are of the throwaway horse at age 28. He may have been old but he was well loved by me.

This is his gravestone that I got for him after his death at age 35.

I miss you Red!

BreyerFest Memories from 2001.

This was in July of 2001, the last year that I went to BreyerFest, it is the annual gathering of Breyer Model Horse fans each year at the last weekend of July in Lexington, KY at the Kentucky Horse Park personally. I had already gone through the store to get my special runs for that year. I got what I wanted and didn't really need my other two tickets. While I was standing in line waiting to pick up the celebration models, I was chatting with couple girls who were trying to figure out the time on their watch as they had just arrived at the park.

I said hang on I'll get the time, and flipped open my phone and called my dad who was parked nearby and asked him the time. I gave the time to the girls and one of the girls cried out we missed the ticket line for the 10:30 to 11:00am! The time was 11:10am.

I was sorry for the girls as they only had one tent ticket and they missed their chance. I had two tickets for other times that day. I pulled them both out and said here use mine. They looked at me shocked that I was going to give them my tickets and they said so too. I told them I already got what I wanted from the tent and these were just going to waste. They were so excited that they hugged me both. I don't know who they are or what they got from the tent but I was very glad that I was able to make their BreyerFest that much more memorable by my gift of my last two tent tickets.

And that is one of my BreyerFest memories that truly stand out beyond my first one with my late brother David in 1999.

Friday, June 19, 2015

My underwear issues have been solved.

Back in March 1st, I complained about what the underwear company Just My Size did with their underwear. Well, a friend told me to look online for underwear companies - well it took me no more than five minutes to find that the place I get my pants and shorts from Woman Within was the company I needed to get my underwear from.

They had what I wanted and liked! Satin underwear that went above my waist, not where they hit my hips and that's it. They had waist huggers not just hip huggers which showed off your belly button, but the type that hid your belly button.

I'm talking underwear of old days like back in the 80's and 90's.

This is what they look like.

The first size I got was size 15, I went for that size since that was what I was going for in Just My Size if they didn't quit making them. Well, the size was too big for me by a long shot, so I returned it for a smaller size, size 11. When I got it back about a week later, I tried it on and hoped that it fit, which it ended up doing perfectly. The panties didn't ride up or bite into my legs anymore. They were perfect!

About three weeks after I got them, I ordered two more so I would not have to wash each pair over and over again as I change underwear every time I shower. I have not been disappointed in the underwear or the company that I now get them from. I no longer look in the underwear department for my underwear as I just go online to get them now.

I highly recommend Woman Within's underwear, pants and shorts for your clothing needs. The returns and exchanges are smooth as silk and the people are great to talk with and they are totally understanding.